1 Cassette Reader/Sorter | HMS-Series
The HMS-Series is designed to read the WaferID's of a Waferlot.
As an option the system is also able to sort wafers in a single cassette using a wafer-puffer.
With this system it is possible read, sort, compress wafer-lots, or create individual wafer-mix as desired.
The system is equipped with one automatic tilting load-port, optical wafer notch/flat-aligner, a linear-robot and waferID Reader.
6" and 8" wafer-capability without change any hardware. (other wafersizes on request)
The throughput of this system is extremly high based on the smart design.
Models available for 100, 125, 150 and 200mm wafers.
- Throughput up to 700 wph
- Low cost of ownership
- Compact footprint 1000 x 450 mm
- Full SECS/GEM compliance
- Windows operating system
- ESD safe
- 13/25 slot cassette cabapility
- Waferbackside ID-reading possible
- Thinwafer cabapility upon request
- RFID Cassette Identification on request
- Upgradable to 1 Cassette Sorter
Waferscribes readable by the system
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